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9 Easy Ways To Grow Your Business

One thing I learned when starting my business was that there were way more steps between my first thought of “I want to be a copywriter,” to actually becoming a copywriter. 

And if you want to start and grow your business, I’m guessing the same is probably true for you, too. 

It’s not quite as simple as just jumping into doing the thing that you love, no matter how incredible you are at it.

BUT the good news is that once you do all of those necessary, not-so-fun-get-your-business-out-of-your-head-and-into-the-world steps and implement consistent practices into your routine that help you market your business, you do get to actually do more of the thing you love. Promise!

To make life easier for you, I’ve compiled all of the steps that’ll help you get there quicker. And hopefully without the confusion and hair pulling. 

And if you’ve been running your business for awhile now and feeling stagnant with where you are, these tools are a great jumping off point for an energy shift. 

Here are the 9 ways you can grow your business

Create a website

This is the first step towards building credibility around your business. Social media is great and all, but when you have your own website that you can direct potential clients to (and not just have your people hit up your DMs), it instantly ups your authority and credibility. 

Consistently blog

Writing blog posts — and writing them consistently — is a wonderful way to offer website visitors value. Blog posts give visitors a taste of your knowledge and expertise, completely for free. And they’re a great SEO strategy that’ll bring new visitors to your website in the first place.  

Start a newsletter

 Newsletters give your audience a way to continue their relationship with you. Maybe they’re potentially interested in working with you, but aren’t quite there yet on their buyer’s journey. Signing up for your newsletter opens up a more intimate line with them than what they might find on your website, building trust over time and keeping you on their radar. 

Reach out to your people

When you’re starting a business, even if you’ve had it going for awhile now, tell your people! Share it on your personal Facebook. Let your sister promote it on her LinkedIn. Tell your hairdresser. You never know who within your current circle might have relevant connections or who might be interested themselves!

When I was first getting started, I posted on my FB page an offer for free site audits to gain experience. It ended up putting me in connection with two people who I was able to work with (one of which I now have a rekindled relationship with, which was a nice little surprise bonus!)

Learn new skills

One value I took with me from my healthcare career was the importance of prioritizing continuing education. I’m often amazed (and totally overwhelmed lol) by how much there is to learn out there. Just because you have the business doesn’t mean that you’re done learning. It’s literally the complete opposite.

The more you expand your knowledge base, the more you’re able to expand your services and the more value you’re able to offer to your clients. It doesn’t have to look like investing in that expensive masterclass. I mean, it could, but it could also be that you finally read that newsletter you signed up for about new marketing strategies. Or you commit to watching one 10-minute Youtube video a day. Or reading a relevant blog post. Small actions compound over time!

Offer a lead magnet

When someone’s on the fence about working with you, a lead magnet is an effective way for them to see all the value you have to offer. Plus, it’s a great way to grow your email list for that newsletter you already started (right!?). 

Make sure it’s relevant to your field, but don’t overthink it! There are lots of great resources out there to help you get started. 

Get on Pinterest

If you’re already blogging, adding Pinterest Marketing to your strategy is an intuitive next step. The good part? You already have content to post on it. And the even better part? It puts your content in front of an even wider audience. Chances are, your target audience is hanging out there, so make sure you are too!

Check out Pinterest Manager Sarah Burke for the most hands-on resources — I’ve learned everything I know about Pinterest from her!

Don’t avoid networking

I’ll admit that, as the little ol’ introvert that I am, I actually hate that I have to recommend this one. But I’ve learned that it doesn’t have to be all that terrifying. 

Networking can be as simple as making a connection with someone through a FB group. Or DMing that industry adjacent business you follow on IG and tell them how much you’d love to have them on for a guest blog post. Or even checking in with previous clients. 

When you approach it as building connections within your business, “networking” loses that big, scary energy that’s always attached to it. 

Always choose quality

Instead of focusing on expanding your offerings, first focus on elevating your current offerings. Make sure that every service-offering that’s available to your client is of the highest quality. 

And that means both the actual end product as well as their experience working with you, from start to finish. Once you feel that you’ve improved every aspect of your offering, then begin to expand out. 

Ready to grow your business?

Now I don’t want you feeling overwhelmed feeling like you have to run off and do every single thing on this list. 

Definitely not! This list is only meant to inspire you. It’s a grow your business buffet — pick the ones that you think might work for you and don’t even worry about the rest. 

Because all of these options may not be for you (or they may not be for you right now). 

Be sure to refer back to this list every couple of months to see how you can continue to grow your business by sprinkling in some of the refreshing energy you need. 

Hey, I’m Kristie and I write website and email copy for the best businesses. I also help business-owners like you feel grounded and less chaotic. 

Here’s how we can stay connected:

Subscribe to my newsletter for all things copywriting, marketing, and self-care. So both you and your business can do great things.

Get your freebie! I’ve put together 5 quick strategies to help take your copy up a couple notches when you’re in a pinch.

Wander through my blog for more free content similar to this!

Work with me! I help with website copywriting, email marketing, and even plain ol’ copy audits if you just need someone to take a look at your work.

Send me a message! You can reach out to me right here with any questions, inquiries, or just to say hi!

So glad you’re here! XO

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For the DIY lovers

5 Ways To Refresh Your Copy

take your copy from sounding like everyone else in your industry to someone your audience wants to listen to. 

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