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Getting Started With LinkedIn: Featuring Diane Marie Pisera of DNB Consulting

Social media sites like Instagram, Tik Tok, or Facebook have long been many people’s first choice as a means to market their business. But many business owners, freelancers, and solopreneurs are now starting to focus on building their community and network over on LinkedIn. 

And they’re seeing a whole lot of success with it. 

Now I know the idea of starting fresh on yet another platform (or if you’re like me, dusting off a profile you haven’t touched in literal years) can be daunting. So I have Diane Marie Pisera here to give you a deeper look at how adding LinkedIn to your marketing strategy can grow your business and where to start, making it easier than ever.

So let’s get into it!

Tell me your story—how did you get to where you are now?

I went to school for marketing and graduated with my MBA from Iona University. I started building my brand and business on Instagram and through the process, I was extremely frustrated with the lack of professionalism on the platform and knew so many business owners who felt frustrated with the lack of growth.

 I decided to take a different approach and wanted to grow my business in a way that felt intentional. Following a silly video trend and hoping it would go viral was not what I was looking for. I started learning the platform and, through my research and testing, I was able to get results fairly quickly. I grew my network from 500 to now 19,000 in less than a year and I also got several speaking opportunities, media features, including a spot on a billboard in Times Square. All of that came from building my presence on LinkedIn.

Through my program The LinkedIn Mastery Collective, my goal is to help business owners do what I did. 

Why is it important that business owners be active on LinkedIn?

Whether you’re an entrepreneur or a professional, having a presence on LinkedIn will help you to get to the next level in your career. You have the opportunity to network with other decision makers in your industry and showcase your skills by building a presence. 

LinkedIn is also an untapped resource and, even though most people have a LinkedIn profile, only a 1% of users are actively creating content. This gives individuals who are posting and cultivating a presence an advantage to stand out and get their content seen by the right people. 

What sets LinkedIn apart from other social media sites?

LinkedIn is more intentional than all other social media platforms. While on Facebook, Instagram, and Tik Tok the content varies from entertainment to education, LinkedIn is solely geared towards professionals. 

If you are looking to grow your business or get to the next level in your career, then LinkedIn is the best platform to utilize because your content will be seen by the right audience and you will be able to network with the right people. 

If someone hasn’t touched their LinkedIn in ages, where would you tell them to start?

This is the case for so many people and I always say that if you haven’t touched your LinkedIn in ages, then start by making sure your information is up to date and still relevant. So many times, I see people who don’t have the right contact information or they haven’t updated it with their most current job information. 

How do you help your clients be successful on LinkedIn?

I have a very clear approach to helping clients win on LinkedIn and I broke it down into 3 steps: Elevate, Educate, and Execute. 

Through the Elevate phase, I focus on building your brand and making sure your profile is optimized to best convert. I also teach strategies to help you understand the platform and how to best utilize it. 

Through the Educate phase, I focus on content strategy to create high engaging content for LinkedIn to ensure your content is helping you establish and grow your presence. 

Lastly we tie it all together through the Execute phase. Here, I also teach you how you can use AI to help you ease through the process. 

What’s next for you? Anything exciting coming up?

I recently launched my program, The LinkedIn Mastery Collective and I am so excited to continue to build upon that. 

The LinkedIn Mastery Collective is a 12-week program that helps business owners elevate and scale their business using LinkedIn. Be sure to check it out!

Where can readers find you and connect with you further?

LinkedIn: Diane Marie Pisera

Instagram: @dmb.consulting

More about Diane

As an Italian immigrant, Diane Marie Pisera is the visionary behind DMB Consulting, a firm that specializes in helping professionals grow their online presence through LinkedIn and other social media platforms. Drawing from her MBA education, corporate expertise at companies including Conair, and successful brand-building journey, she’s an expert when it comes to elevating brands, creating strategic social media strategies, and impacting the bottom line.

Her mission is centered on empowering entrepreneurs to elevate and expand their online presence, aiming to leave a lasting legacy.

Immigrating from Italy with her mom at nine years old has given her the grit and resilience to start her own business to reshape generational legacies and create her own American Dream.

She has spoken at Iona University and various corporate branding and marketing workshops.  Additionally, she earned recognition as a Top LinkedIn Creator, showcased on a Times Square billboard and Medium. 

Currently residing in Westchester County, NY, she actively contributes to the local economy and educates the community on LinkedIn and personal branding.

Hopefully you’re feeling as motivated as I am to focus more of your marketing efforts over on LinkedIn!

I’ve been hesitant to commit to a business IG with where I am in my personal life + business life. The idea of creating so much visual content feels wildly overwhelming, and I know that I’ll end up getting sucked into it.

But at the same time, I have serious FOMO about missing out on connecting with other amazing businesses over there!

With how LinkedIn is structured, it feels much more aligned with where I am right now.

Maybe you feel the same way, too?

One of my goals this summer is to create a strategy around LinkedIn, and actually stick with it. You can follow me here to keep me accountable. If you’re also on a similar journey, feel free to message me about it—I’d love to hear!

And if you need to make sure that you’re sending the connections you make on LinkedIn to an optimized website that further reinforces that you’re for sure the person for them?

Well, I’m your girl!

Hey, I’m Kristie! And besides writing website and email copy for the best businesses, I also help business-owners like you feel grounded and less chaotic. 

Here’s how we can stay connected:

Subscribe to my newsletter for all things copywriting, marketing, and self-care. So both you and your business can do great things.

Get your freebie! I’ve put together 5 quick strategies to help take your copy up a couple notches when you’re in a pinch.

Wander through my blog for more free content similar to this!

Work with me! I help with website copywriting, email marketing, and even plain ol’ copy audits.

Send me a message! You can reach out to me right here with any questions, inquiries, or just to say hi!

So glad you’re here! XO

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