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How to Write Sales Page Copy: The 5 Elements You Need

You’ve put hours of work into your offer, making sure that it’s overflowing with value and exactly what your client needs. And of course you just wanna get it out there already, but you know you have one more step. 

The sales page. 

An offer as carefully crafted as yours deserves a well-written and well-rounded sales page to top it all off. It’s the cherry on top! And it has the opportunity to convert like crazy, bring in $$$, and get your offer into your people’s hands. 

So knowing how to write sales page copy is totally priceless. 

And totally achievable! Below are the essential 5 elements your sales pages needs for it to convert. 

How To Write Sales Page Copy: The 5 Elements You Need

Clear & attention-grabbing headline

By now you probably know that your initial headline is pretty important. It’s the first thing your visitors are seeing, so it needs to capture their attention. It can do this by:

  • Making them curious
  • Getting them nodding along
  • Or calling them out so they know they’re in the right place

Also take a minute to learn more about writing headlines if you’re not feeling super confident about yours!

And remember, if your offer is evergreen and you want to think about SEO, make sure to include the keyword you’re targeting, while always, always, ALWAYS putting the reader first.

Social proof

Sprinkling in all kinds of testimonials gives your offer even more credibility. Because look at all of these people who have happily worked with you! Look how you helped them succeed! Look at their transformation!

When it comes to a sales page, I recommend adding in all kinds of testimonials:

Include both short and long ones, work in a section that breaks them up into before and after, use them to indirectly (or directly!) answer your audience’s objections. Use em’ all!

But if you don’t have many testimonials, that’s okay! Just use what you have. And then make sure that you’re collecting testimonials and feedback during the offboarding stage of your process to keep fresh ones rolling in!

Clear and frequent CTAs

Some readers will read every single bit of content on your sales page, while others will skim for the juicy bits and then keep going. I find it helpful to throw in frequent and clear calls to action throughout the page so that if someone finishes a section and decides they want to take the next step, it’s right there for them. No searching needed!

Plus your readers have made more than enough decisions today (I know I have 😪). So tell them what to do and make life even easier for them!

Answer questions before the FAQ

Your readers are weighing whether or not they want to spend their money on your offerings, so of COURSE they’re gonna have objections. 

When you consider what those objections are and answer them throughout your copy, your audience is going to feel like you really do get what they’re going through. And like you’ve got nothing to hide. 

That transparency is priceless

The transformation your audience has been dreaming of

Besides getting people to buy your offering, your sales page’s biggest job is to sell the transformation. How, by purchasing it, your audience can get from one place to another. 

And your job is to make sure that you paint that picture of their transformation as clear as possible. 

This is again how you show that you communicate that you know perfectly well what your audience is dealing with right now. And that you know perfectly well where they would rather be. 

Because then you can introduce your offering and demonstrate how it bridges that gap.  

And this is where storytelling does a really wonderful job at bringing this transformation to life. 

No matter what kind of offering you’re introducing to your people, these 5 elements are a must for a successful sales page!

Hey, I’m Kristie! And besides writing website and email copy for the best businesses, I also help business-owners like you feel grounded and less chaotic. 

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So glad you’re here! XO

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For the DIY lovers

5 Ways To Refresh Your Copy

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