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How To Organize A Blog Post

We all know that blogging is a great strategy that just about any business can utilize. They offer more value to your audience and they help get more eyes on you and your website, to name a few of the top benefits. 

And the great thing about them is that, honestly, they can be whatever you’d like.

They can be long-form, short-form, listicles, case studies, opinion pieces, reviews, Q&A’s, personal stories—literally anything.

But even with all of these options, having a general sense of the overall structure can help you: A. make sure you’re covering everything that needs to be covered, and B. get it written even faster! 

So in this post, I’m going to cover exactly that, but without getting all English class on you.

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to read this post about how to create a solid blog strategy!

How To Organize A Blog Post

Start with an engaging title

And keyword-rich if possible!

This is what’s going to draw in your readers. So it needs to be some attention-grabbing. Something that catches their eye and promises to help them with something they’re struggling with. Read this blog post here to get some ideas! 

Now of course it’s helpful if you can organically work a targeted keyword in there. But if, when you do, it sounds awkward and clunky, I say nix it, and go for something more reader-focused. Just make sure to balance out your content with other keyword-rich headlines, too. 

One thing I learned from my mentor Sara that I always come back to is that not every blog post needs to be optimized for SEO. Some blog posts are purely for your readers and that’s OK! Just remember to keep it balanced. 


Before you dive right into your topic, start with a short introduction in which you introduce the topic a little bit more. Maybe you discuss your experience with the topic, or how it’s something you’ve seen so many people struggling with, or touch on the information that you’re going to cover. 

For SEO purposes, this is a good place to work in your keyword again! 

The Body

This is when you get to the heart of your blog post. It’s the meat and potatoes. The heart and soul. The backbone. Whatever you wanna call it!

But unlike a college essay, you want it to be super approachable and beyond easy to read or skim. 

So before you get writing, outline the main points you want to cover, and then break those up into subheadings. This makes it easy for someone who just wants to skim to a certain point to find what they’re looking for, or just get a general sense of the writing without reading every single word. 

Feel free to make this section as long or short as it needs to be to effectively convey your point and teach the reader everything they need to know. There’s a lot of information out there about the “best length for a blog post.” But I find that having a mix of long- and short-form content works really well. 

Depending on the topic, some blog posts can say what they need to say in only 500 words. While others may need a lot more to cover everything. Both are totally OK. 


Your conclusion doesn’t have to be anything too serious, but it’s good form to include a short wrap-up of what was learned and final takeaways, just so your not leaving anyone hanging.

Call To Action

At the end of your post, you want to encourage your reader to take some sort of action. This obviously varies based on the blog post, but it could be including other relevant blog posts they might love, a link to your freebie, or the option to work with you. Whatever makes the most sense for your brand!

An Author Bio

You never know how someone is finding you and if their reading your blog post is the first time they’re engaging with you. So I always find it helpful to include a short blurb about who you are, with an option for them to visit your About page and learn the whole story!

Overall Formatting Tips

  • Don’t put more than 3 sentences per paragraph. Anytime you see big blogs of text, hit ‘enter’ in there and break it up so it’s not overwhelming!
  • Bold important phrases 
  • Add in internal and external links
  • Use headers and subheaders
  • Incorporate pictures if it makes sense
  • Use bullet points
  • Proofread, proofread, proofread!

That’s everything you need to know about how to organize a blog post!

Now obviously there are no hard and fast blog post-writing rules. But I find these general structuring tips do a good job of giving you a starting point and making sure that your writing is cohesive and extra readable!

Hey, I’m Kristie! And if you want help with content writing, I’d love to help! Message me here and let’s chat about what you need! 

In the meantime, here’s how we can stay connected:

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So glad you’re here! XO

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