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How To Write A Contact Page That Has The Right People Inquiring

Out of all the pages on a website, the contact page is the one that always seems to get the short end of the stick. 

I see so many sites where it’s pretty obvious that all they did was paste in an inquiry form and slap on a “Contact Us!” headline, and call it a day. 

Not that I blame them. Not at all. If you’re writing your own website, by the time you get to the contact page, you’re exhausted and just want to launch the damn thing already.

And it’s just a contact page, right? Its only purpose is for people to contact you?

But here’s the thing:

Your Contact Page is one of *the* most important pages on your website. 

Why? Because it’s your last chance to leave a lasting impression on your visitors. 

From this point, they’ll either “X” out or fill out your inquiry form. So everything on this page needs to further encourage them to fill out your form

So knowing how to write a contact page that gives them that final push is pretty darn important. 

How To Write A Contact Page That Leaves A Good Final Impression

Highlight that one main thing that they’re after

Take advantage of your headline on this page to highlight the fact that you fully understand what your potential clients really want.

When your visitors feel like you have a good sense of their needs, they’ll feel more likely to trust that you can actually deliver on those needs. 

And after you’ve caught their eye with your attention-grabbing headline, make sure to further reinforce it with a persuasive intro paragraph. 

Optimize your inquiry form

Obviously your Contact Page needs an inquiry form—that’s kind of the whole point. But if you’re only including a space for visitors to input their name, email, and message, you’re missing out on the opportunity to take their experience further—and to make life easier on yourself. 

You can tell a lot about someone based on the kinds of questions they ask. So when you ask very specific questions on your inquiry form, it further reinforces the idea that you’re qualified for this. 

And even more important, it gives you all the information you need to both prepare for a discovery call and decide if this is a lead that’s even worth your time. 

Plus, you can always put a quick, more personal question, like idk “What’s your favorite 90’s rom com?”  (or something you know your target audience would love!)

It just adds a little extra something, plus gives you a potential connection point for your call. Win win!

Offer more ways to contact with you

It’s always good practice to add other ways of contacting you on your contact page, aside from the inquiry form. 

This gives people the option to reach out to you if they’re not quite actually interested in your service. Maybe they want to connect with you as an adjacent business owner. Or maybe someone’s inquiring about featuring you on their podcast. Something along those lines. 

This just gives them another way to do so. 

And as good practice, always add in how soon they can expect to hear from you!

Include opportunities for them to engage with you

If someone’s not quite ready to inquire right now, think about how else you can offer them value and how else you can stay on their mind.

This could look like adding in an opt-in form for your freebie, pointing them towards your newsletter, or sending them over to relevant blogs you think they would enjoy.

Include an FAQ section

The contact page is the perfect place to include your frequently asked questions, because at this point in your readers journey, they likely have some questions. 

When considering which questions to include, a good rule of thumb is including the little technical bits of information that maybe don’t fit anywhere else on your website, like payment plans, the specificities of what you offer, and timeline. 

Bigger questions should really be answered on your site—that’s the job of your website copy. 

So if you find that you have a long list of questions in your FAQ, think about where on your website you can better answer those questions. 

And lastly – check mobile!

Inquiry forms sometimes have a way of getting a bit wonky on mobile, so make sure that you’re always double checking how it looks on your phone prior to publishing the page. 

(There’s definitely a statistic out there about how more people access your site via mobile than their desktop, but I don’t actually remember what it is, I just know it’s a thing, so take my word on that one. 🤪)

Now that you know how to write a contact page—go make sure yours is in tip-top shape!

Hey, I’m Kristie! And besides writing website and email copy for the best businesses, I also help business-owners like you feel grounded and less chaotic. 

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So glad you’re here! XO

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