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The Top Goals For Each Page On Your Website And How To Maximize Each One

I’m sure you already know that your website really has one main goal: To attract your people and convert.  

But do you know how each page on your website uniquely pulls its weight and supports you as you do just that?

When you’re starting from scratch and putting a whole entire website together for your business, you have plenty to think about:

You have to consider your audience, what they want and who they are. You’ve gotta fully understand what you bring to the table that helps make their life even easier. And you need to figure out what makes you different from everyone else out there. 

And that’s really just the cliff notes version, because I have something else I want to talk about today. 

Today, I want to talk all about the individual goals of each of the main pages on your website. Once you’ve done some deep soul-searching and you’re able to put your finger on an answer to the above questions, then comes the process of expertly weaving that messaging throughout your entire site. 

And if you have a solid understanding of each page’s goals, that becomes ridiculously easier, creating a well-rounded and memorable experience for your potential clients — which leads to more connection and more conversion. 

The Home Page – AKA “The First Impression”

Your homepage is often the first page someone lands on when they find your site, so it’s got some pretty important things to do.

Main Goals: 

Communicate to visitors that they’re in the right place.

First and foremost, your home page needs to tell your visitors who you are, what you do, and who you do it for. 

People want to feel like they’re in the right place and that what you’re offering is perfect for them. Your headline and intro statement do this best, but it should still be evident through the remainder of the copy on this page. Everything on your home page should affirm for them “Yup, this is exactly what I need!”

Guide visitors along  to the next steps. 

Your website is very much like a journey that your potential client is on to find the things that they’ve been looking for. And so after you get crystal clear on the above, you want to help each visitor along to the next part of their journey. 

Maybe Linda wants to learn more about you to see if you vibe — your mini-about can lead her right to your About Page. Maybe Samantha decides she wants to read more about the services you offer, and heads to your Services page after you give a brief look into your offerings. Or maybe Emily is so on board that and so sure she wants to work with you that she hits the Inquire button at the bottom of the page and heads right to your Contact Page.

Every visitor journey is going to look different, so make sure you’re providing clear call to actions that guide them where they want to go! 

Do This:

Remember that clever and cute is fun, but clear is always better. This goes for every single bit of copy you write, but especially on the home page. 

If someone lands on your site and something isn’t making sense to them, you haven’t yet had enough time to build your trust and credibility with them, so chances are, they’re not going to stick around to figure out what you’re trying to say.  

(I also have a blog post here about the 4 main elements you need on your homepage, so go read that next!)

ABOUT – AKA “The Vibe Check”

Your About Page is where potential clients get the full picture of who you are and if you’re right for them. 

Main Goals: 
Help your audience connect to you

For service-based businesses, you and your personality are closely entwined with your business, so it’s only natural that potential clients will want to know more about you. They’re gonna wanna know if you’re someone they can see themselves working with, if you’re similar to them, and if they can trust you.

With this page, there’s really not a whole lot of rules. Depending on you, your business, and your ideal client, you can take it in so many different directions. Even if it’s a tad longer, the people who want to read it, will, and if they don’t want to, they don’t have to!

Build trust

As difficult as a good About Page can be to write, I love them because they add so much humanity to your website. Although I’m obviously a big believer that every page of your website should be conversational and genuine, your About Page lets you take that a step further. 

This is where you can really show up and maybe get more vulnerable. In doing so, that creates an atmosphere in which your audience feels like they can trust you, which helps to deepen the connection you’re building with them. 

And isn’t that why you started on this whole shindig to begin with?

Do This:

While you’re sharing your backstory and who you are and what your favorite drink is, always remember to connect it back to your potential clients and how you’re there to help them

Your about me page is about you, but at its heart, it’s about them as well. 

SERVICES – AKA “Let’s-get-down-to-business” 

This page is dedicated to providing all the juicy, need-to-know details about your offerings. 

Main Goals: 

Clearly outline your services

And “clearly” being the keyword here. This page should include all the information someone needs to know about the services you offer (unless you have multiple services pages depending on your offerings, because that can also work in different situations!)

You’ll want to touch on who each service benefits, what’s included, pricing, and what the process looks like. Start with the picture and make your way down to the finer details. 

Emphasize the benefits

It’s important that while you focus on all of the features of your offerings, you’re also focusing on the real benefit of them. 

Potential clients need to know that you’re offering a 4-week course that teaches you how to improve your client experience. But they should also know that you’re offering them a way to create a smooth and memorable experience for your clients that paints you as an expert in your field and creates a credibility that encourages repeat clients. 

Do This:

Think about any potential questions or objections someone might have to working with you and answer them in your copy throughout this page.

This communicates that you truly know the ins and outs of your audience. So much so that you already know what questions and concerns they’re going to have.

And on top of that, it saves you from getting the same questions over and over again. 

CONTACT – AKA “The Strong Finish”

Your Contact Page is the final page before someone does or doesn’t reach out — make a good final impression!

Main Goals: 

Communicate one last time that you get it

You’ve finally made it to the contact page, but now is not the time to slow down all of your writing efforts. No, the Contact page is wildly important because it’s typically the last touch point before someone decides whether they’re going to actually fill out your inquiry form or not. 

Your copy needs to communicate that you truly understand what it is they want. No writing “Let’s Connect,” and calling it a day. Focus on the main thing that they really want to further drive home that you understand what they need and that that’s what you specialize in.

Answer any last questions

Your contact page is an ideal spot to answer any logistical questions your audience might have. Any bigger questions should be answered throughout the rest of your site, but things like “How do I start?” “Do you offer payment plans?” “What software do you use?” and the like can all be answered in an FAQ section on this page to answer any last questions someone might have before they reach out. 

Do This:

Be intentional with your intake form and ask really good questions! When you get crystal clear about what information you need from potential clients, it leads to more productive discovery calls. 

So instead of only including the typical Name, Email, and Question boxes, think about more specific questions, like:

“Did you check out my pricing already?”

“What’s your timeline?”

“Which service are you interested in?”

“Have you worked with a [insert your title here] before?”

“How did you hear about me? And if it was from a friend, who was it?” (It’s always nice to know who it was!)

“What’s your favorite book?” (or any question to get a lil more info on who they are — I always find this to be a fun way to learn a little bit more about who they are, and make answering the form a tad bit more fun for them. Who doesn’t love these kinds of questions?!)

These will look different for every business, but make sure you’re using them to your advantage!

Knowing these goals is one of the first steps toward maximizing the impact your website has, making it a wonderful starting point when you’re putting your site together. 

And now that you’ve got all this, please go launch that freakin’ website already (or update the one you’re not in love with!)

Hey, I’m Kristie! And besides writing website and email copy for the best businesses, I also help business-owners like you feel grounded and less chaotic. 

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So glad you’re here! XO

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